Year 2003 Photos


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2003 was a great year.  20,895 lights decorating the exterior of the house is one awesome thing to look at.  Who knows what will happen next year???

The train in this picture was totally redone in ropelight this year to give it a much better look.  The 8' pole tree behind it contains 1200 lights which fade from yellow to blue to pink to yellow, etc.

The santa and reindeer display on the roof contains 1350 lights.  Santa's arm is animated to make it look as though it is waving.  The ropelights figures on the bricks are new this year.

From this particular shot you can see the majority of the lights.  The snowman beside the pine tree on the right is new.  It is 4' tall and has 350 lights.

The angel on the roof is a new addition that I made this year.  It is 5.5' tall and has 400 lights.

The "Merry Christmas" sign is new to the front of the house.  This year on the roof, it is 16' long, 2' high and has 700 lights.

The 8' inflatable snowman in the backgroud is everyones favorite thing this year.  Also new are the mini trees that you can just make out across the picture.  There are 21 of these chasing through the yard.  The 6' artificial tree with the blue/green lights is also new.

This is a better picture of the new artificial tree and the snowman.  Also you see the two animated reindeer.